Meet the Designer at Magic Pendulums...

My name is Sheree. That's me on the left...about three years before I discovered pendulums.
I was always an avid reader; I could read at the age of two and, as I grew older, I would read anything, although I especially loved horror stories, mysteries. Anything exotic or old. Therefore, it is no surprise that I made off with a book that I found in my Aunt Pearl’s house.
The book was old and it had no cover, so it was not very attractive from the outside. But when I looked inside, I found foreign symbols, and charts, and numbers, and strange concepts. Like Egyptian numerology, tarot, palmistry, and pendulums.
The book appealed to everything I loved; I was hooked.
I read the book from cover to cover and played with the ideas I found inside. I particularly liked the chapter on pendulums. I did not know anything about pendulums, but I did know about dowsing. I'd seen it done many times, being a farm girl. Dousing was the way farmers found underground water on their land when they were looking for a spot to dig a new well.
I also loved jewellery, and I would look for pieces that were unique or strange—pieces that looked like they came from somewhere exotic. Pieces that looked like they had a mysterious past. I had two favourite pendant necklaces: a green stone in a setting of writhing gold vines, and a red crystal shaped more like a stylized bell, rather than a diamond or an oval; it was set in gold. The necklaces worked perfectly as pendulums, and I began practicing with them.
It was so easy to make a pendulum move with my thoughts that it made me laugh aloud. At the time (I was about eight) I concluded that I was some sort of a witch; now I know I was merely tapping into the laws of nature. (I am much more comfortable with that thought.)
Years later, my husband, the mentalist David Thiel, came to me all excited about a pendulum he had bought. I looked at it and grinned. “I played with pendulums when I was a little girl.” I asked him to give it to me. Instantly, the learned behaviours came back and I was able to make the bob swing in a circle, a straight line, speed up and come to rest.
He was astonished because of how quickly the pendulum responded to anything I said. I saw him looking at my hand, trying to detect movement (once a magician, always a magician) but he couldn't find anything...because there was nothing to find. If you've worked with pendulums, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Then the next thought came. I have been a jewellery designer for years. I glanced at my supplies. “I can make really beautiful pendulums,” I said. “Give me a few minutes.”
I want to create quality props for working performers. That's why each one is rare: only two or three will be made of any one design. What you get from me will be something beautiful and very unique. Yours.
I want you to be proud to own one of my designs. I know you will be.
I was always an avid reader; I could read at the age of two and, as I grew older, I would read anything, although I especially loved horror stories, mysteries. Anything exotic or old. Therefore, it is no surprise that I made off with a book that I found in my Aunt Pearl’s house.
The book was old and it had no cover, so it was not very attractive from the outside. But when I looked inside, I found foreign symbols, and charts, and numbers, and strange concepts. Like Egyptian numerology, tarot, palmistry, and pendulums.
The book appealed to everything I loved; I was hooked.
I read the book from cover to cover and played with the ideas I found inside. I particularly liked the chapter on pendulums. I did not know anything about pendulums, but I did know about dowsing. I'd seen it done many times, being a farm girl. Dousing was the way farmers found underground water on their land when they were looking for a spot to dig a new well.
I also loved jewellery, and I would look for pieces that were unique or strange—pieces that looked like they came from somewhere exotic. Pieces that looked like they had a mysterious past. I had two favourite pendant necklaces: a green stone in a setting of writhing gold vines, and a red crystal shaped more like a stylized bell, rather than a diamond or an oval; it was set in gold. The necklaces worked perfectly as pendulums, and I began practicing with them.
It was so easy to make a pendulum move with my thoughts that it made me laugh aloud. At the time (I was about eight) I concluded that I was some sort of a witch; now I know I was merely tapping into the laws of nature. (I am much more comfortable with that thought.)
Years later, my husband, the mentalist David Thiel, came to me all excited about a pendulum he had bought. I looked at it and grinned. “I played with pendulums when I was a little girl.” I asked him to give it to me. Instantly, the learned behaviours came back and I was able to make the bob swing in a circle, a straight line, speed up and come to rest.
He was astonished because of how quickly the pendulum responded to anything I said. I saw him looking at my hand, trying to detect movement (once a magician, always a magician) but he couldn't find anything...because there was nothing to find. If you've worked with pendulums, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Then the next thought came. I have been a jewellery designer for years. I glanced at my supplies. “I can make really beautiful pendulums,” I said. “Give me a few minutes.”
I want to create quality props for working performers. That's why each one is rare: only two or three will be made of any one design. What you get from me will be something beautiful and very unique. Yours.
I want you to be proud to own one of my designs. I know you will be.