"One of These Things..." A Pendulum Effect by David Thiel
Pendulums have always been a source of mystery. They have history; dowsing pendulums have been used for centuries. Gypsies used a ring on a string to foretell the sex of a baby. Including a pendulum routine in your show harkens back to the days when spirit mediums and séance guides ruled the entertainment world. But as old as they are, pendulums despite their quiet nature still fascinate.
Where to begin? A pendulum is your partner in performance. Choose one that suits you…a pendulum that feels at home in your hand. A pendulum is an easy prop to carry around; it defines the term “packs flat and plays big.” No batteries. No reset. No maintenance. The right pendulum will never let you down.
The Purpose of a Pendulum
Pendulums have a powerful way of attracting a crowd. When bystanders see something remarkable happen in the hands of someone else…they want to try it. Can you imagine how it feels for your spectator when this device suddenly moves, apparently of its own accord, in their own HAND? Thrilling!
Try the following routine!
This effect is designed to introduce pendulums to a group of people in a close-up or parlour situation. They will see the pendulum at work…they will see it do something remarkable…and when the mentalist introduces the next effect, where they will handle the pendulum themselves (whatever effect that may be) they will be ready and willing to try working with a pendulum on their own.
The volunteer is invited to consider their “Secret Dream Job.” By this I mean that if age, physical fitness, education – all variables were not a factor – what job do they dream of doing? The volunteer is passed an index card and asked to write that ‘dream job’ on it – and to clearly SEE themselves doing that job as they write.
The mentalist them passes the volunteer four blank index cards and asks them to shuffle their card into the pack of five. The volunteer is then asked to put the index cards face down in a flat surface in any order they choose.
“Do you believe this pendulum can divine what you wrote down as your Secret Dream Job?” They respond. (No. It doesn’t matter what they say. They are about to receive a first- hand demonstration.)
You continue:
“Pendulums have been used for centuries,” says the mentalist. He holds his pendulum carefully, almost respectfully. “It’s a simple thing really: a weight on a light chain. But what it does is not simple at all. What it does is amazing.”
The mentalist holds the pendulum by the HOLD (the top section…not the weighted one, the BOB) and demonstrates. At first, he “calms” it, stopping any swing or vibration. Then he holds it above the cards and waits.
The pendulum begins to gently swing.
“The simplest way to use a pendulum is to have it respond with ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ When the pendulum moves front to back, like a head nod, the answer is, ‘yes.’ When the pendulum moves in slow circles, like a head shaking, the answer is, ‘no.’
“Only one of these cards has your Secret Dream Job written on it. The rest are blank. I ask you to take your hand and rest it gently on my wrist. I am going to pass the pendulum over these cards one at a time and watch it respond.”
He passes the hand holding the pendulum over the index cards. Three in a row give the “no” response. After each negative response, the mentalist tells the volunteer that the pendulum has told him the card is blank – that there is not emotion clinging to it.
Indeed, all three of the cards are blank.
With only two cards left, the mentalist says, “This time I want you to concentrate on your Secret Dream Job. See yourself doing it. See yourself enjoying it.”
The pendulum delivers a, “no,” on one of the cards…and wordlessly, the mentalist moves it over top of the last card and the signal changes from circles to…back and forth.
The mentalist asks the volunteer to turn that card over – It IS the one card they have written on.
(You must first learn how to make a pendulum respond. There are many resources for this, but “A Guide for Mystery Performers,” sold on this site, is a good staring point.)
The Secret: The index card the mentalist gave the volunteer to write on is altered; it has ONE rounded corner, made easily with nail scissors. Be sure to remove only a TINY tip. This alteration is easily seen no matter what the lighting conditions…or how the volunteer places the card. After that, it is a simple matter of leaving the “target” card until last. Dream Job is one option. Darker presentations could have them think of something they fear. Lighter ones could deal with a recurring dream. You could build the routine on ANYTHING. The key is that what you ask the spectator to consider is something that is important to them. This adds zest to the effect. You could do away with the index card entirely…and use tarot cards…playing cards. The method is absolutely versatile.
In pre or post COVID, anyway. During COVID, you could have a hand sanitizer handy and do your hands and invite the volunteer to do theirs prior to proceeding.
You will find that a well-balanced pendulum will do the work for you with just the slightest – completely undetectable movement of your arm muscle. A little practice makes this work.