NOTE: This page is of interest only to players.
If you've made it this far, then you're one of the sharpest mugs in the room and you're gonna get what's comin' to you.
I couldn't think of a better place to hide this clue. I mean pendulums are used to help people figure out stuff they couldn't otherwise know. And Nightmare Alley? You seen this flicker? It's about this mentalist. He's workin' the carnie circuit, see? And he hears about this way of talking so one person can tell another person secret things without the whole room getting wise to what they're saying. Sorta like...a code.
Now you're lookin' at a bunch of stuff that looks like something some nut wrote out. Lemme clue you in: it ain't doubletalk. It's coded talk.
Take the first line of your code. There's a lot of information there. Some pretty good letters.
The first sentence says: "Okay. You drive a hard bargain, Poison. " You might want to notice that the "." also has it's own symbol. So does "$" which looks like a pair of specs. And I'm wonderin' if those repeatin' symbols after just might be zeros...
I COULD tell you more. But I won't.
I WILL tell you that there's something here you need to know. You just might crack the whole case when you find it.
Good luck.
If you find the Detective, shake his hand and say "Maltese Falcon," you just might get an Entry Form as a "back pat" for your excellent detective work this far...